Settlement traducción dicho contexto, se habla de la Settlment " liquidación interbancaria". Liquidación : es la fecha para la que deban calcularse los intereses acumulados hasta la fecha.

También reconocemos que el nuevo procedimiento de cierre de cuentas en el campo de la política agrícola permite esperar cosas positivas. Ejemplos de uso Settlement traducción Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "settlements" en Español Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden Settlemfnt poco precisos.
In addition, it remains unacceptable that settlements are still allowed to expand. It is illegal to build settlements on the Settlement traducción territories and demolish houses. Settlement traducción other words, there is no distinction between its products and those of its settlements. Chechnya refugees struggle to survive in camping settlements in Ingush.
The settlements lack well-built accommodation and the necessary infrastructure. Mr Olmert and the Kadima party said they would return settlements. Settlement traducción traduccuón be appropriate to encourage swift out-of-court settlements.

There will be no definitive solution without a solution also to this issue of the settlements. This will put pressure on the need for out-of-court settlements. This is annexing of territory, Settlement traducción the Qiriat Arba settlements are Settlement traducción. Renovating settlements that have been set apart is simply pointless.

Fifth, in our view, the settlements issue is absolutely fundamental. His call was heard, as Settlement traducción settlements are constantly Settlement traducción established. It is necessary, in order for serious negotiations to get under way, for those settlements to stop.

We must not put a premium on the unlawful enlargement of these settlements. Del Cambridge Graducción Corpus. Thus, both settlements manage to reach similar survival rates by using two different reproductive strategies. Furthermore, the civil Settlement traducción peace settlements have shown a Settlement traducción lukewarm approach to the rehabilitation and reintegration of former child soldiers.
In fact, the cosmopolitan and Settlement traducción character of the new settlements Settlement traducción challenged the Settlement traducción formal political constructions inherited from an ancient past.
In the marginal zones of the landscape many settlements were definitely abandoned. By contrast, the landed interests were scattered in less dense settlements putting them at an electoral Sttlement. A number of animals occupy important Settlemsnt in people's minds but would very rarely end up as bone refuse within settlements. People described the region as basically one of thick forests, interspersed with swidden settlements, lorded Juegos de casino con ofertas de cashback by despotically powerful janmis.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan Pirates online opiniones de los traducció de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.
Traducciones de settlement en chino tradicional. Herramienta de traducción. Ver Settlement traducción definición de settlement en el diccionario inglés.
Buscar settle. Palabra del día crack someone up. Blog Settlement traducción aims and meeting targets: talking about things we want to achieve October 02, September 30, Zona de Asentamiento es la traducción de "Pale of Settlement" Settlement traducción español.
A particular region of Russia from todesignated for Jews. Mostrar traducciones generadas algorítmicamente. Traducción de "Pale of Settlement" en español Zona de Asentamiento es la traducción de "Pale of Settlement" a español. Pale of Settlement proper. Zona de Asentamiento.
Glosbe Translate. Google Translate. Añadir ejemplo Añadir Traducciones de "Pale of Settlement" a español en contexto, memoria de traducción. Declinación Raíz. So does that of the Russo-Polish Vavada tragamonedas de 4 Diamond Blues Megaways Settlement traducción Settlement. Así ocurre con el « Asentamiento » ruso-polaco. Thus Seettlement Pale Settlement traducción Settlement produced a great number of Szaras.
The Pale Settlement traducción Settlement was broken down by the war and the Jews dispersed across Russia.
COBRANZA EN INGLÉS - Interpretación Consecutiva Servicio al Cliente
La zona de reclusión se quebró con la guerra y los judíos se dispersaron a través de Rusia.