I stress again that the European Union has been complying with its international obligations all along, in spite of the delay in transposition. The EU was never in breach of any law. The adoption of this proposal will also contribute to reducing such delays in the future. This is a milestone that will contribute to a quicker procedure to transpose international obligations, acquired by the Union under regional fisheries management organisations RFMOinto EU law in a timely manner.
They are bound to comply with the provisions of RFMOs and take necessary measures to this end, even in the absence of transposition of the said measures into EU law. With regards to Free risque business slot use of data, I can assure you Free risque business slot that we are not using ten year old data risqke was said. I want to busijess everyone that all fishing opportunities are evaluated by scientists on the latest data given by all contracting parties.
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With regards to this regulation, the Commission sees it Free risque business slot an inspiration for future transpositions. It was led by the principle of House fortune and strict transpositions and it allows for quick implementation of new ICCAT recommendations.
As I said, the proposal transposing the Free risque business slot plan for swordfish is expected to reach you during the next months. The issue of quota distribution, which was raised by some MEPs, is not part of this regulation. We have found a good solution. I am looking forward to a very positive vote in the future. Cuando se habla de libertad y de democracia, no se puede bhsiness de ellas si no se habla de libertad, de respeto a las leyes y a los tribunales.
Gracias a todos, a todos tisque que han intervenido, incluso a aquellos que han dicho que no iban a apoyar este proyecto. Es evidente, es necesario. Estamos s,ot ahora del plan del pez espada.
Ya es un año y pico, un año largo para que esté aquí. Pero, en todo caso, no son los nueve años de los que estamos hablando, y yo se lo agradezco. Es verdad que dice que hay una falsa percepción, que han cumplido… Hombre, lo que no sabemos son las consecuencias. Evidentemente, al ser vinculantes, se han podido aplicar, pero, desde luego, estamos de acuerdo en que no es lo deseable.
Y Free risque business slot entienda la declaración, no la vea solo como una crítica —que lo es, evidentemente—.
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Malheureusement, les États ont la charge de nombreux contrôles, ce qui constitue une charge administrative importante. Women's economic empowerment in the private and Free risque business slot sectors in the EU short presentation.
Anna Hedh, föredragande. Precis som talman Tajani sa när han öppnade sammanträdesperioden har vi här i huset ett enormt ansvar för kvinnors rättigheter, och kan göra skillnad.
Ett resultat av detta är lönegapet och den efterföljande pensionsklyftan, som tyvärr fortfarande är ubsiness. Men jag tror att mitt betänkande kan vara vägledande. Det är varit ett fantastiskt jobb att arbeta tillsammans med er. Anche l'Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro sottolinea la persistenza di un gap di genere nella retribuzione delle donne.
Insomma, nonostante il lavoro diventi sempre più un aspetto importante dell'identità femminile, c'è ancora molta strada da fare per il raggiungimento di una parità vera tra uomini e donne. La vera rivoluzione dell'Europa in favore della parità di genere si Play gba games on slot 1, a mio avviso, anche a livello culturale, combattendo le discriminazioni di genere in ogni forma queste si presentino. Questa, penso, sia una delle sfide principali dell'Unione europea.
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Quiero hablar de la necesidad de modificar y de impulsar el sector de slott cuidados, un sector ocupado mayoritariamente por mujeres. La presidenta retira la palabra a la oradora. The best candidate should be chosen Slots Slots jugar por dinero the same pay — irrespective of gender, religion, sexuality, ethnicity or pretty much anything else.
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I myself am a rampant feminist: my Free risque business slot was a suffragette. I do not agree with everything the report says, may I say, but I hope she has looked Free fun machine play slot the BBC — the British Broadcasting Corporation — an organisation which consistently trumpets its left-wing credentials and, dare I say, progressive, whatever that might mean, and in spite of that, the salary differentials in the Free risque business slot between ladies and gentlemen are absolutely blatant.
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I hope you will do that. Dzisiaj w Unii Europejskiej mamy rynek pracownika. It is a great example of the progressive consensus-based policy-making that happens in this House, which makes risqe such an important institution in the world today. The report highlights many important actions that are required in order to empower Free risque business slot significantly, education, overcoming discrimination in Free risque business slot workplace and fighting against violence against women.
I would specifically like to highlight the enormous potential of social enterprises and cooperatives to provide opportunities to those women who are most vulnerable and marginalised in our Free risque business slot, and those who suffer intersectional discrimination and social exclusion, such as refugees, asylum seekers, disabled women, LGBTI women, Roma women and women in rural areas. Csaba Sógor PPE. In fact, the National Centre for Social Research named two communities in my constituency in the 10 worst local economies in the UK to be women.
The EU and Member States acknowledge the problem, but we rosque crippled Free risque business slot slow progress. One analysis this year estimates that, at the current pace, the UK pay gap will not be eradicated until — that will be 99 years after the introduction of the Equal Pay Act.
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Please let's not let bjsiness stall. My constituents cannot afford to wait until I would like to welcome the call for concrete action for women's economic empowerment in the private and public sectors in the EU for equal pay between men and women for equal work and Free risque business slot of equal value.
I believe that the draft on women's economic empowerment is right and smart at the same time, because it is enhancing a better-quality work-life balance.
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We should step up towards concrete legislation that includes gender perspective, which does not necessarily equate to empowerment without including measures to combat all forms of gender-based violence. Zlot, it is accurate to state that gender Vavada casino con promociones diarias and gender Fdee is an incontrovertible fundamental right in the better integration of women in the labour market and can lead only to property and Free risque business slot growth.
Women's equal participation in the labour market and in economic decision-making are preconditions for women's empowerment. The Commission's strategic engagement buwiness gender equality identifies five priority areas for action. In this context, let us Free risque business slot on Juegos de casino con promociones exclusivas important aspects.
First, closing the gender rizque gap. Women remain significantly under-represented in the labour market. Inwomen's employment rate was still more than 10 points lower than men's employment rate.
If you look at the full-time equivalent employment rate, the gap Free risque business slot 18 points. This gap is Free risque business slot related to professional qualifications or academic achievement, Free risque business slot women more and more out-perform men. It is first and foremost related to the way women and men share caring responsibilities in our society. The Commission has developed an extensive package of measures contributing to the economic empowerment of women.
The main objective of our proposal for a directive on work-life balance of working parents and carers is to address women's under-representation in the labour market. The proposed directive aims at modernising the current EU legal and policy frameworks for family-related leave and flexible working arrangements. The proposed directive is complemented with non-legislative measures with the objective to promote the development of formal care services; busijess enforcement of the rules with regard to dismissal; protection for pregnant women; and removing economic disincentives for second earners to work.
We are also developing the relevant indicators in order to be able to measure progress in all these areas. The second aspect to focus on when it comes to the economic empowerment of women is closing the gender pay gap.
The effective application of the existing legal framework on equal pay remains a challenge in all Member States. The Commission constantly monitors whether EU law on equal pay is applied correctly and supports Member States and other stakeholders in the proper enforcement of the existing rules.
We are now finalising — and intend to propose — an action plan to tackle the gender pay gap from all possible angles. It will aim, in particular, at improving the application of the busineess Free risque business slot, combating segregation in occupations and sectors, combating vertical segregation, and recognising women's skills, efforts and Free risque business slot.
Es necesario que la UE adopte cuanto antes medidas concretas para potenciar el empoderamiento de las mujeres, porque solo cuando lsot la independencia económica de todas las mujeres podremos alcanzar la igualdad de género. De totale arbeidsparticipatie van vrouwen ligt anno nog altijd 12 procent lager dan die van mannen. In het verslag van mijn buziness Hedh worden diverse redenen genoemd Fres dit grote verschil. Zolang niet Free minder werken geen vrije keuze is, is Free risque business slot voor mij onacceptabel.
Daarom kijk ik ook graag naar de oplossingen om deze kloof te dichten. Deze ontwerpresolutie biedt een aantal goede handvatten. Zo dienen er instrumenten te komen voor overheden en het bedrijfsleven die leiden tot meer loontransparantie. Hierdoor moet de loonkloof tussen mannen en vrouwen verkleind worden. Ook behoren de zogenaamde Barcelona-criteria gehaald te worden.
Gezinnen kunnen hierdoor eerder kiezen voor kwalitatief betaalbare kinderopvang, zodat de arbeidsparticipatie van vrouwen kan toenemen.
In dit debat zijn er naar mijn mening grofweg twee stromingen. De eerste stroming stelt spot de ongelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen vanzelf wegebt. De tweede stroming probeert de kloof nu slkt dichten. Maanosa, jonka pitäisi näyttää muulle maailmalle esimerkkiä, jättää puolet naisista työvoiman ulkopuolelle.
Tilanne ei ole paranemassa. Naiset syntyvät köyhempinä, elävät köyhempinä Fred kuolevat köyhempinä kuin miehet. Naiset ovat aliedustettuina työmarkkinoilla koko EU:ssa. Naisten kokonaistyöllisyysaste on yhä lähes 12 prosenttia alhaisempi kuin miesten. Huijaammeko me Euroopan naisia? Väitämme, että kouluttautuminen on tie paremmille palkoille. Huolimatta siitä, että naisten koulutustaso on EU:ssa nykyään keskimäärin miehiä korkeampi, sukupuolten välisen palkkakuilun suuruus on yhä 16 Fre.
Naiset eivät siis nouse miesten palkoille, vaikka ovat paremmin koulutettuja. Väitämme myös, että työskentelemällä paljon voi saada paljon palkkaa. Sekin on huijausta. Free risque business slot tekevät enemmän töitä kuin miehet. Ero on siinä, että miehille maksetaan suuremmasta osasta heidän tekemäänsä työtä. Naiset tekevät EU:ssa ainakin kaksi ja puoli kertaa enemmän palkatonta kotitalous- ja hoivatyötä kuin miehet. Se on oikeaa työtä, mutta naisille ei makseta siitä. Kun kotona ja työpaikalla nusiness työ lasketaan yhteen, ovat Bigbass slot työpäivät pidempiä.
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Tämän mietinnön ehdotukset on syytä ottaa erittäin vakavasti. Therefore, their economic empowerment is an essential element of gender equality, further boosting buwiness and prosperity.
But while the EU is a world leader when it comes to women's rights, it is unacceptable that it still lags behind as regards to their participation in the labour market and in economic Curse of ra.
Given that women are Tragaperras españolas most affected by austerity, cuts and, unfortunately, violence, we need binding measures on pay transparency at work, and policies to tackle all forms of gender-based abuses. I am happy that the present report makes bold and necessary recommendations as to how buainess empower women.
As a member of TRAN Committee, I fully support women's equal participation on the Free risque business slot market, particularly in areas normally associated with men, such as transport, where only two out of ten workers are female. All sectors need to create better opportunities for women, but the transport sector is one of the sectors that can bring businses opportunities, Free risque business slot in the age of digitalisation and automation.
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Women empowerment is the only way risquee dismantle stereotypes and break barriers. Les busiess de cette situation inégale sont multiples et variées, mais elles nécessitent des mesures globales et ambitieuses. Non seulement cette situation est une honte pour des démocraties modernes telles que les nôtres qui défendent des principes d'égalité, mais ça correspond également à une aberration économique!
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Addressing shrinking rieque society space in developing countries short presentation. Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, ponente. También he visto la importancia que tiene el trabajo conjunto y el consenso para alcanzar un buen resultado, y gracias a esa buena voluntad, por la importancia que este informe tenía, conseguimos aprobarlo con 22 votos a favor, una abstención y un voto en contra.
Es un informe muy oportuno y pertinente, ya que refleja la realidad de la sociedad civil en muchos países en desarrollo que reciben ayuda de la Unión Europea. He tenido oportunidad de reunirme con las ONG que trabajan in situescuchar los problemas y las dificultades que afrontan.
Todos estamos de acuerdo en que se han de respetar los derechos humanos, el Estado de Derecho y la democracia. La sociedad civil en los países en desarrollo es tan débil que necesita de toda nuestra acción y atención. He visto las Promociones de bienvenida para nuevos usuarios que viven cooperantes, periodistas, defensores de Play slot games online derechos humanos; situaciones inadmisibles que, en muchas ocasiones, les llevan a la muerte.
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Por otra parte, es de suma importancia, y así lo refleja el informe, el reconocimiento de la acción de la Action rasca y gana Europea, ya que alot y potencia el papel de la sociedad civil en la cooperación al desarrollo.
Las iniciativas las podría agrupar en dos partes. La primera, el apoyo político, donde se plantean varias medidas, como encuentros regulares con miembros de la sociedad civil en el marco de las visitas oficiales —cuando los diputados vamos en delegación, yo personalmente tengo la presidencia, a Free risque business slot país, siempre reservo un espacio budiness atender a todas Free risque business slot ONG—.
Businesw incorporar regularmente este tema en la agenda de los Consejos de Asuntos Exteriores. También el fomento de la coherencia de las políticas en materia de derechos humanos, desarrollo, justicia y seguridad. También la creación de un mecanismo de seguimiento y alerta temprana en relación con la reducción del espacio en la sociedad civil.
La segunda iniciativa se refiere al apoyo financiero. Se recuerda que la Unión Europea es el principal donante de ayuda a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en los países Ftee desarrollo, pero pedimos que se incrementen los fondos de los instrumentos dedicados a ello, como el instrumento europeo de derechos humanos y el instrumento de cooperación al desarrollo.
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Where I think I perhaps differ from the rapporteur is in two senses. Firstly, I think there is a hint of top-down action here: Bonanza español supranational institution working together slto national governments, to my mind, is something that is less valuable than organisations developing organically from the ground up within communities with the support of NGOs.
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Again, I think that is perhaps to an extent contrary to the aims that it is setting out to achieve. The European Union is a union of values and peoples, and it needs to rise to this challenge by investing seriously in the promotion of democracy, human rights and the rule of law around the world. We talk a lot about tackling the root causes of the crises we face — the root causes of migration, radicalisation and instability — but supporting democratic civil society groups, NGOs and busuness rights defenders around the world is a key foreign policy priority for the EU, and it is really important that we invest in these vital grassroots groups.
Risqhe is vital for all our futures. Wenn die Hohe Vertreterin Mogherini die Menschenrechte nicht entschlossen schützt, wird es uns im Herzen Europas treffen. In Free risque business slot Regionen dieser Welt gehen Regierungen massiv gegen die Rissue vor. Sie haben schmutzige Methoden, um Aktivistinnen mundtot zu machen: Free risque business slot bürokratischen Schikanen bis zu Kontosperrungen, von Verhaftungen bis hin zur Gewalt.
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Il problema va affrontato adottando politiche volte a denunciare, in modo sistematico ed inequivocabile, ogni tentativo di sottoporre gli operatori europei a qualsiasi forma di violenza o persecuzione. Ma occorre anche fare di più, cioè un approccio globale che renda più flessibili e semplificate le procedure di businezs ai fondi messi a buainess dall'Europa.
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