So if you actually really want one of these, it might give you an idea what mobs to go for. Commento di brionl Its done for the year now, but it didn't seem to be all that rare. I wound up with 2 of these, and 2 of the 16 slot bags. Commento di I got both the 16 and 18 slot bags. Commento di Shammies I got this bag from a humanoid mob in karazhan, room before Moroes. Lanter dropped for me around Halloween I lanetrn it's pretty rare, well I m the only one in my guild who got it. Commento di Jak very rare bag Commento di I was grinding my newly aquired devilsaur to 70 in Shadowmoon Valley and we were killing Rocknail Ripper's and Enraged Air Spirits along the crystal formations close Best casino in ac nj the Dragonmaw fortress.
The Jack-o'-Lantern dropped on a random Rocknail Ripper after about an hour of grinding. I wasn't expecting it, so it was Jack o lantern 18 slot bag nice surprise. Oh well, something else Jack o lantern 18 slot bag put in the bank to sit and wait for a useful purpose lol. Commento di I got this bag on the first day at the Hallow's End event.
I was farming some Neatherweave Cloth in the cavern north east of Halaa and i got the drop from one of the Boulderfists over there.
Commento di one just dropped for me this afternoon, from the demons on the isle of quel'danas. Commento di it still drops i got 1 when i was questing in zangramarsh and i got another from the last boss in crypts.
Just dropped off a level 58 mob in Silithus for me a Twilight Avenger. No slto if this was bug related Juegos de cocina gratis online not, but I Play reel em in slot online free checked the mob's level.
Might be that the level Jack o lantern 18 slot bag. I was playing a level 70 character at the time so it makes sense. Can anyone confirm? Commento di Was out grinding Mag'har rep for Talbuk mounts and scored 2 of these in the space of mins. Prolly about kills and 2 dropped. Was kinda happy, had 2 16slot bags Golden toad bank, so they upgraded em.
Commento di Anyone know i Jack o lantern 18 slot bag there is a Northrend version yet?
Commento di Danaan No northrend-version yet sighted, but the old ones drop again. Commento di YaY. Had this drop just a little while ago on my quest to obtain the Ravenlord mount was a nice little suprise. I think its Jack o lantern 18 slot bag of funky, just a shame it is only 18 slots Cat casino registro Slots it will do for my cooking mats.
Commento di Just got this from the last boss of Juego ruleta de la suerte online halls normal while helping a friend get rep. Keeping a hold of it for pure awesomeness allong with my old onxyia bags Jac. Commento di rabnab Confirmed to drop in Northrend. Commento di Very usefull item if you don't have any good bag space yet. I got not one Jack o lantern 18 slot bag two of these in outland!
Commento di FyreRT looted 2 of these within 10 min of each other off agitated orc spirits in nagrand! Commento di Jolster Dropped for me in scholomace just before 188 rivendare from one of the big abominations. Was surpised to see it drop. Commento di I got this from my 1st mob in zangramarsh during hallow's end.
How i hate that place It is a world drop from mobs in the level range. Commento di Shishire Interestingly enough, this is the only bag in the game that has a level requirement. Commento di Allakhazam Dropped in shadow labs normal yesterday. I forget what mob it was but it was certainly trash.
Everyone needed, I won. Jxck di Allakhazam So I want this bag. Insignia de Operación Trampa de Acero. Parche del 14 de febrero de Algo Especial Para Alguien Especial. Parche del 9 de bah de Insignia de Operación Rompepiños. Insignia de Operación Vierteaceite. Insignia de Operación Mecapocalipsis.
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