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Highlights at a Glance. Some communication is better than none regardless of whether the fight "requires" it or not and I'd much rather someone talk out strategies than ventrjlo them out especially in emergency situations which always happen, especially in PUGS where you can't exactly stop what you're doing to type out an entire message. Sure vent wont automatically cure someone's stupidity, but if they're stupid I'd much rather talk to them than expect them to understand what I'm ventrolo or even pay enough attention to the chat log to read it if servef can't Free 10 slot ventrilo server the giant blue void zone taking up their screen, vwntrilo even less likely to see tiny orange text over in Free 10 slot ventrilo server corner.
Most WoW players people who use the internet these days seem to suffer from debilitating illiteracy anyway so verbal communication is a much better alternative exactly all of the time.
That and I'm partial to the humor most groups bring to vent to keep things from getting so boring and monotonous. After last night if I'm in a 25 man pug and someone asks about a vent and I see the parroted response that its not needed or even desired I'll find a new pug.
Its not the vent its the attitude. Unless I happen to get picked up as a pug to fill the remaining slots in a group of say 21 guildies looking to fill out, pugs don't have the organization to take even Ony for granted. Its one thing to take a 25 man casually when you are with people ventgilo raid together all the time and know each others style etc and another to do it with a group of strangers.
A willingness to pay attention and communicate also indicates a willingness ventriol take the slit seriously. Further, at least with vent you can Free 10 slot ventrilo server people to cover someone else's mistake or bad luck.
Publicado por Porcell Edit I just got out of a 10 Ony PuG with Free 10 slot ventrilo server vent usage.

We wiped twice and only half the raid was Free game slot game Free 10 slot ventrilo server the third go, but she went down. I think if the RL had coordinated servrr little more or at least gave people concrete assignments we could have one shot, but it was still pretty disorganized even though everyone was familiar with the fight.
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