Contestants consisted of three couples and each episode had a theme focused Play i love lucy slot machine a specific topic, loove as the French Revolution or 1 fire casino okmulgee oklahoma Far West. The contestants would be cheered on by a "positive" cast of characters who wanted them to win as much money and prizes as possible; and opposed by a "negative" cast, which wanted contestants to lose.
The notion of having people actively rooting against contestants was innovative Play i love lucy slot machine Spanish television, something that had never been tried before this show. The "positive" cast consisted of the host of the show and machije team of six to eight beautiful girls who served as the host's assistants, called secretaries.
The secretaries usually wore Tragamonedas bajo uniforms or costumes that reflected the theme of the episode for instance, they might dress as cowgirls for an episode about the "Far West". No matter their costumes, the secretaries usually wore a pair of glasses with large round frames, one of the show's trademarks.
The "negative" cast consisted of characters from a fictional town called Tacañón del Todo English: Complete Misers. As the name of the town suggests, they were misers and didn't want the contestants to Play i love lucy slot machine any money.
They were puritanical and disapproved the secretaries' sexy clothing. They were also pedant and complained about the contestants' lack of knowledge. In the first part of the show, a secretary would hand each couple of contestants a tray full of envelopes in turn. The contestants were to choose one and give it to the host. The envelope contained a multiple-answer question which the host read to the contestants and gave an example like: "Name some fruits sot, for example, an apple.
The dark knight in spanish couple then, after the host said "Un, dos, tres Contestants had to answer alternately and could Play i love lucy slot machine repeat an answer that had already been given before, either by them or their partner. Additionally, the rules encouraged contestants to be as specific as possible for instance, if a contestant answered a generic " berry " to the above question, macbine would be valid, but after that they could not mention specific varieties of berries, Play i love lucy slot machine as " strawberry " or " blueberry " as it would be counted as a repetition.
Additional rules were added for some questions. When a contestant gave a mistaken or repeated answer, a member of the negative cast stopped the clock immediately and the couple's time was over. From the third season, the contestant who did not slt the turn to answer could mime to help the other contestant if they got stuck. Contestants were given a certain amount of money for each correct answer.
The accountant secretary was in Merkur salon de juegos of sum and announce the money won in each question. There were three questions for each couple with an increasing level of difficulty.
In the show's lhcy three seasons, couples were given 25 pesetas 15c for each correct answer for the first question. From the fourth season onward, a slot machine determined the random amount of money for that in every machinr. In the second question the couples were given the amount won in the first question for each correct answer.
And in the third question the couples were given the amount won in the second question for each Play i love lucy slot machine answer. When all the questions were done, the couple with the highest amount of money became champions and returned the following episode and the other two couples went on to the second part of the show.
In the last episode of every season and in special self-contained episodes with no regular contestants, as Christmas specials with children or charity specials with celebrities, the two couples with the highest amount loove money went on to the second part of the show and the couple with the smallest amount of money left the show.
The elimination round was a physical competition that changed each week according to the episode's theme. For example, contestants might be required to fill wine glasses sitting on a tray Bonos de bienvenida para nuevos apostadores sin requisitos then slide down a slideand the winner would be the couple with the highest amount of Play i love lucy slot machine accumulated Paf apuesta a jar, or they might be required to luyc structures like buildings, strings or poles faster than their rivals, or they could also have to wear clothes of the opposite sex and walk through a cat walk in front of a jury that would vote the funniest couple.
On the tenth season, Play i love lucy slot machine elimination round would be replaced by a round of questions about the book machiine the week and the winners would Play i love lucy slot machine the couple with the highest number of Play i love lucy slot machine answers.
The winning couple would go on the third part of the show. In the first season and also in the first months of the second and third season, the couple losing the elimination round went home only with Que le pasa a pokerstars amount earned on Play aztec temple slot online question round.
This was changed during the second season, when the consolation game was introduced. Up until the fifth season, the lucu game was a board game, usually involving the use of giant dice Play i love lucy slot machine a big board, where moving the tab to certain square and answering certain question Play i love lucy slot machine performing certain task would give money to the contestants. They could also lose money from the question round if they did not have luck, and usually there was a goal in the game which if reached gave the contestants a jackpot that was increased sloot week it was not won.
All board games were dedicated to the mascot of the show, and home versions of these games were commercially released so that maachine could play at home. From the last three episodes of the fifth season onward, a change was made in the style of the games. They were no longer typical board games but luck games attached to certain sponsor. These games were more simple in their rules usually simply choosing some numbers or letters from the sponsor's namebut the potential prizes were drastically increased.
In many episodes the couple in the consolation game eventually won a much better prize than the one who had won the elimination round at the end of the Luckia en vivo. The longest and most well-known part of the show was the auction. The host and Free sweethearts slot machine contestants stood next to the audience behind a table from where they saw everything that happened.
The auction usually began with the host introducing a theatrical set specifically built in front of the audience according to the theme of the 10 cent deposit casino, where a Broadway-like musical number related to that topic was performed by the secretaries, who sang and performed different choreographed dances. Las americas casino were also comedic sketches and performances by famous artists next to the table, as well as other surprises.
After each performance was finished, an object related to the theme was taken to the Juego de las minas. Each object had a card attached to it, which had a text that could be related to the object or the performance where it came from. The host was allowed to read a part of the text, until they stopped midway with a phrase that became iconic in Spain, " y hasta aquí puedo leer " English: "and I can read only until this point".
This would continue until there were three objects on the table. As Play i love lucy slot machine could not be more than three objects, the contestants had to discard one in order to continue with the game.
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When an item was discarded, the host would read the complete card, including the text beyond the point where they had stopped earlier, revealing a prize the contestants had passed up. The show went on like that, watching performances, bringing a new object, discarding another one and losing a prize, until the show was over and there were three final objects on the table. At this point, the host could Jugar a la ruleta en línea con una estrategia ganadora the contestants to discard two objects at once, or one by one, and they would keep a final object which would contain the prize they had Play i love lucy slot machine.
Prizes ranged from cars, apartments, travels, money, jewels The big prize was often an apartment in the Mediterranean holiday town of " Torrevieja, Alicante ".
The Torreta development where the m 2 bungalows were Play i love lucy slot machine lucg been degraded decades later. Some cards could contain more Burst in spanish one prize, some times, a booby prize at the beginning followed by marvelous or even worse prizes.
In those cases, the host could let the contestants keep the object after revealing the first booby prize to reject another prize on the table, in the hope that the following unknown prize would be good. An example of a card with this system is this one, from a episode dedicated to the Stock Exchange, found in a newspaper about the Great Crash :. In a program dedicated to Pkay stock exchange, macbine could not fail to be a mention to the terrific fall of the American stock exchange inthe famous Great Crash [ crack in Spanish] that sank economy in the United States The same way there had to be a reference to the Crash Play i love lucy slot machinein " Un, dos, tres ", we are also forced to remember that in the past season, one of our mascots had exactly that name, El Crack El Crack was the negative mascot in our previous season.
But, since in this season the symbol of negativity is lkve by Ruperta [a pumpkin], Play i love lucy slot machine Crack has no more mission than to serve as decoration in This wonderful apartment! Sometimes, however, an object's card would contain a gambling game. In those gambling games, the contestants could win different amounts of money or other prizes.

The host was usually allowed to Fortune casino when Play i love lucy slot machine object had a game attached to it, as long as they did not reveal the rules, which remained secret if the game was discarded, because some unused games were Play i love lucy slot machine for future programs.
Even when the luvy had the last object on the lucu, the game was still not over. At that point, the game started that gave this segment its name: the auction. The host would begin to offer money to the contestants in exchange for the prize, raising the amount if the contestants said no, until they reached the top offer.
When the host reached the top offer or the contestants decided to accept the money, the prize they had won or lost was revealed. Any imaginable prize could appear on the show, and no prize was guaranteed to appear at all, except one prize that the rules stated had to appear in at least one of the objects: the show's mascot.
There were different mascots through different seasons, normally associated with a booby prize. Sometimes, luvy, the mascot had extra prizes attached to it, so it was not always bad. There also were some seasons where there was a couple of mascots, Loce of them good and the other bad.
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In those kucy, winning the good mascot meant choosing any prize from that episode, and winning the bad mascot meant going home only with a doll of Juego del gnomo mascot. When there Play i love lucy slot machine a good and a bad mascot on the same season, only Play i love lucy slot machine presence of one of them was forced, and the contestants wouldn't know which one of them was going to appear on the show.
Sometimes, though, both could appear on the same episode, and they could even appear as prizes inside a game. There was one basic rule for the host. Machie contestants could make all the questions they wanted, and the host was not allowed to say a single falsehood. They could refuse to answer, and also could not say the whole truth, P,ay is, they could omit context or macnine some valuable data, but everything they said had to be true.
For example, the host could explain a gambling game like this:. You have a lottery hype full of balls. You have to choose eight numbers from 1 to 12, and then you can extract up to 6 balls. The first extracted number that coincides with a number you chose earlier will be rewarded withpesetas, and the following hits will each one multiply by 2 the money, meaning that you can win up to Play i love lucy slot machine million pesetas.
But if the ball with the number 13 gets out, you will lose all your money. You can stop whenever you want. And the contestants would indeed stop before getting their 6 numbers from the hype, in fear of getting the ball 13 as the Play i love lucy slot machine were increasing. But then, when the game was over, the host would reveal that, certainly, the contestants would have lost Play i love lucy slot machine the ball 13 had come out The first season featured no mascot as such, but the worst prize was usually symbolized by mqchine pumpkin Juegos de ruletas online Spanish, the expression "dar calabazas", "to give luucy, is used as equivalent of turning someone down romantically or giving someone a fail in an exam.

Its presence was mandatory Plaay the auction and, even though it usually was the Slot tragaperras prize of the evening just taking the pumpkin homesometimes it hid other prizes, which could be equally bad or huge.
Ruperta bid farewell on May 13,halfway the third season, came back in the seventh season and lasted until the end of tenth season. A week after Ruperta's farewell halfway through the Play i love lucy slot machine season, viewers were introduced to Botilde, an old boot playing on the old joke about fishermen who Play i love lucy slot machine Juegos dinosaurios gratis a solt while fishing.
Sylvia geersen main difference with Burning hot was that Botilde was usually not physically brought to the auction table. Botilde live lasted until the end oucy the third season. El Chollo English: The Bargain was a pink, pear-shaped creature who wore a top hat, leg warmers, a cape and a cane. Its animated version was often seen smoking cigars and with a cheerful smile.
Unlike Ruperta and Botilde, Chollo was a symbol of the best prize, as getting it on the auction gave contestants the possibility of choosing any other prize that had appeared that evening. However, the idea of a positive mascot did not sit well with the viewers, so a negative counterpart was soon introduced in the form of Chollo's 'evil twin', El Antichollo.
It was green and sported a sinister grin with vampire fangs. He was described as a transformation luvy Chollo when Chollo got angry, compared with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or the Gremlins.
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