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Whilst I enjoy Latino music whenever I am lucky enough to hear it, I am by no means a fan and my knowledge extends no further than the odd Wrea track. However, when I was dragged to a Chayanne concert, I found myself enthralled and captivated by the music in a way that I had simply not expected.
There is no doubt that Vavada tragamonedas de Bloopers is a superb singer with a beautiful, melodic voice and very rich, sweet tones. I am not fluent in Spanish but I understand enough to appreciate his music in its native language. It is clear to see why Chayanne is so popular in his native Puerto Rico and why he has managed to sell an incredible 30 million albums, worldwide. Even those that do not understand Spanish but can appreciate Latin music will surely love Chayanne.
He has an incredible stage presence, is soulful and lively on stage.
He danced along with his backing dancers, seemed high in energy and appeared to love every minute. A real entertainer. Te amo Chayane!!!
Fuiste el mejor regalo de cumpleaños que eh tenido. Estuve en Chicago en tu concierto y me caino Desde niña soñaba con conocerte. Y por caino vi mi sueño hecho realidad. Tu sencillez es divina!! Si Dios me lo permite te veré de nuevo el 13 de septiembre del Dios te bendiga a ti y a toda tu familla!!! I had the pleasure of seeing him in concert Vavada casino sitio iniciar sesión n.
Chayanne is amazing!! He was spectacular. Charming and what a performer!! Can't wait for him to Juegos tiger back to Madison square garden again so I will definitely be there too!
Love you Chayanne God bless you always!! One of my favorite latin singers. Best casino in bay area was very impressed with the audio quality. He sounds Best casino in bay area the same as in his albums.
Talented, Sweet bonanza opiniones and very sweet to the audience. Very pleased he came to Seattle Wa. Cada vez que escucho a Chayanne me enamoro del amor It was amazing! All the dancers, all the musicians, the scenographg was outstandig and especially Chayanne.